猿ケ京温泉 まんてん星の湯
温浴施設 - 群馬県 利根郡みなかみ町
温浴施設 - 群馬県 利根郡みなかみ町
サウナ:12分 × 2
水風呂:1分 × 2
休憩:10分 × 2
一言:The sauna is lower temperature less than other popular sauna.
But humidity is high.
So I could sweat enough.
Water bath was good condition .
That wasn’t cold so much , but sauna’s temperatures also wasn’t very high.
So I thought it’s nice temperature balance.
Outside break was so nice!!
The viewing of mountains and a dam was a magnificent view.
I climbed the Mt.tanigawadake,and I was very tired
But I could be relaxing a lot!!